The first steps |
Select a host for your site. If you need help in finding
a host or sorting out what options you need for your site,
we can assist you in assessing your needs.
Register a domain name ( Many hosting companies will handle this for you.
What we need in addition to the content for your site: |
25-50 word description of your site. This is what will
show up as the summary in search results.
List of keywords relating to your site. Be sure to include
common misspellings, but do not include copywritten or
trademark brand names unless you have permission to use
Your privacy policy regarding what information you collect
from visitors and how it is used.
The server location for your domain name, along with
your user name and password so we can upload files to
your site (Your domain name host probably sent you an
e-mail with this info)
Try to put together an outline showing the pages you
want in your site and their relationship to the layout
of the site. This will be discussed when preparing the
estimate for your site.
Copyright notice. This could be similar to the one used
on this site. You may need to add additional info if you
are using content you have permission to use but for which
you do not own the copyright.
A clean copy of your company logo, if applicable. If
you do not have one, we can design one. See the Logo
Design section for more information.
About your Design: |
Decide what colors you want to use for the site.
Determine the style you want the site to reflect.
If you wish to use photographs, graphics, or other media
created by a third party, you are responsible for obtaining
the necessary rights to use these items on your site.
Submitting content: |
Text can be submitted as files or hard copy. If submitting
files, they can be either plain text files or formatted
document files (i.e. Microsoft Word). If you want the
text to look a certain way, it is best to submit formatted
text files and we will do our best to replicate that look
in the web page. If a hard copy of the content is submitted,
you will be charged for the time required to enter the
It is preferred that photographs and graphics be submitted
in an uncompressed image file format, such as .png or
.tif, and that the images have not been resized, if possible.
Files that have been converted to .jpg or .gif or have
been resized can be used, but often quality has been lost,
and it can not be reversed.
Other Information |
If you have any questions about the listing above or
about other content, we will be happy to answer your questions.